Factory visit at Nichidai-ニチダイ様の工場を見学させていただいた話-


My name is J. W. and I am currently interning at Synapse Innovation. I study International Business Management at the Ludwigshafen School of Business in Germany.

During my internship at Synapse, I was lucky enough to have a chance to visit factories of Nichidai corporation.





The Nichidai Corporation, founded in 1959, specializes in three fields of business. The net-shape business which includes development and die-manufacturing of detailed metal parts, the assembly of turbocharger parts for automobiles and the development and manufacturing of mesh filters.

Nichidai has factories in Japan, Thailand.

The products made by Nichidai are used in some of the big European cars to various parts in aerospace manufacturers in Japan.





Nichidai’s Director was kind enough to give us an interesting overview of how the manufacturing process works and a tour of the net-shaping and filter manufacturing factories.


Before we entered the factory, he showed us the metal parts that Nichidai manufactures. Seeing these small parts, I didn’t expect the process to be that complex and lengthy.



As I had never visited a big factory before, my image of the work environment was a hot and greasy hall with tools and machines everywhere.

Once inside, I was surprised that, despite the burning summer heat, most parts of the factory had a nice temperature thanks to broad air-conditioning and the work environment looked clean and neat.




Right at the start we got to see one of the most impressive machines of the tour. A massive press machine that is used to die-press raw materials into metal parts without any kind of cutting and without increasing the temperature of the material. Such a huge machine definitely leaves an impression.



The further processing of the metal parts is very detailed and involves a variety of interesting looking machines that I had never seen before. For instance, Director showed us a machine that stood out, because of a pool of oil that a metal part was resting in. He explained it was a so called electrical discharge machine (EDM) that can cut metal parts very precisely using electrical discharges between a hair thin wire and the metal part. The pool of oil serves as an electric insulator. The processing of one part can take over a week, as the process is very thorough and must be performed slowly.


When the parts are finished, they still need to pass final inspection before being shipped out to customers. A sophisticated real-time 3D scan helps the employees see the smallest of flaws and ensures the high-quality precision of Nichidai’s parts.

It is impressive how much work and how many machines are involved in crafting these parts.




Our next destination was the filter factory where a variety of filters is crafted. They can be used for several different purposes. Using them in ships to filter plankton out of the water that stabilizes the ship from the inside is just one example. This has a good impact on the environment, as the transport of plankton from one ecosystem to another by ships that travel all over the world is limited to a minimum.


There is even a little contest between employees about who can create the best filter. He also showed us standard filters that mark the minimum quality a filter needs to have, and that are displayed for employees to compare their work to.



Visiting Nichidai’s factory and seeing all those interesting machines with their individual operating systems makes it easy to see why IoT applications are so important for any kind of manufacturer. They can drastically reduce time and errors and thus save a lot of money.

It was a valuable experience seeing the reality of where Synapse’s solutions are being applied.




After what I’ve seen at the factory, I am impressed by Japanese safety measures. Japanese manufacturers are obliged to not only report actual accidents but also incidents that could have ended in an accident or other kinds of potential hazards that employees recognize. They display them openly for employees to see and thus to prevent future accidents. I even saw a little drawing that explained the incident on one of them.



Nichidai has a very strong Baseball team. Hearing him speak about baseball, I realized that commitment and discipline, as well as a good relationship and communication with your team members are important to be successful both at baseball and at work. The team spirit that brought them far in Baseball is clearly visible in the work environment as well.


It was also apparent that Nichidai has a lot of young employees who looked engaged in their work and very happy at their work place.

In both factories employees would always greet us with a smile and were happy to let us watch them perform their challenging work that requires a strong focus and steady hands.



As this was my first time visiting a factory of that size in Japan, there were quite a few interesting things that I learnt about the manufacturing process and general safety measures in Japan.

I want to thank Nichidai for this opportunity and for being great hosts.





